Durcon Dedicated To Keeping Costs Down
Durcon continues to do everything we can to minimize the costs passed on to you by becoming more efficient. We are also looking at ways to work with customers to help our industry become more efficient as price hikes for raw materials, energy and transportation continue to affect our businesses. Among the steps we’ve taken are:
- Durcon is leveraging our volume buying power for better raw material and shipping pricing.
- Durcon’s extensive use of best practices at both manufacturing facilities continues to realize production efficiencies.
- Durcon’s two manufacturing facilities continue to evaluate and consolidate our product offering in order to provide the best worksurface systems available while eliminating out of use styles.
- Durcon continues to closely monitor the impact of energy and raw material prices in order to provide sufficient advanced notice of any future price increases.
We want to retain open lines of communication with customers through this period of pricing instability and we hope you’ll share successful cost saving tips with us. We appreciate your business, and look forward to your comments.
Monthly Archives : August 2008

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