Introducing Greenstone - Environment Friendly Worksurfaces
Durcon Incorporated joins the “Green Building Movement� with the introduction of Greenstone™ worksurfaces to help protect the environment and preserve the Earth's resources.
Greenstoneâ„¢ is a specially developed modified epoxy resin worksurface containing certified post consumer recycled glass. This new material features a similar appearance, chemical resistance and physical durability characteristics to the epoxy resin products Durcon has provided for the past 35 years. The only difference now, Greenstoneâ„¢ is more suitable than its predecessors for owners, designers and contractors who want to consider materials specifically developed for the Green marketplace.
How can Durcon help you achieve the LEED Certification on your next green building project? First, by specifying Greenstoneâ„¢ with its 10% recycled glass component, you have added a major contributor to M&R Credit 4.1, Recycled Content. This glass was selected for its ability to mix well the silica in the current formulation. Greenstoneâ„¢ contains a minimum of 10% post-consumer recycled glass; or about 1.2 lbs. of recycled content per square foot. That means, for a lab needing 2000 square feet of worksurfaces, you have removed over one ton of used material from our landfills! For the experienced designer the remaining LEED Credit opportunities may be obvious but still are worthy of mention.
Projects located within 500 miles of our Taylor, TX, plant can apply for M&R Credit 5.1, Local or Regional Materials. Greenstoneâ„¢ will contribute to the credit for Low Emitting Materials. The product has been tested to ASTM-E-595-06 to determine % of Total Mass Loss, % of Collected Volatile Condensable Materials and the % Water Vapor Regain. This is the same test used for screening materials for use by NASA of spacecraft materials; an extremely critical environment. Historically, a TML of 1.00% and a CVCM of 0.10% have been used for levels of rejection. Greenstoneâ„¢ had an average TML of 0.054% and an average CVCM of 0.011%.
For further information, please contact one of our customer service representatives at 512.595.8000.
Monthly Archives : December 2008

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