Durcon in the Running for Texas Employer of the Year

Taylor, TX - October 29, 2013 – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has announced that Durcon Incorporated is one of five finalists for its annual Employer of the Year award. Durcon, the nation’s largest manufacturer of high-performance epoxy resin countertops for science and education, is being recognized for its recent growth which brought new jobs to Taylor, TX, and the surrounding Austin area, as well as its overall contribution to the Texas economy.
Other candidates for the award are from a variety of industries and include such household names as Caterpillar Inc. of Waco, Exxon Mobil Corporation of Baytown, GE Transportation of Fort Worth and Village Farms of Monahans.
“All five Employer of the Year finalists were nominated based on their demonstrated commitment to their workers and communities, and their contributions to the Texas economy,� said TWC Chairman Andres Alcantar. “We are proud to recognize their contributions and highlight the positive outcomes that result from successful partnerships.�
The five finalists were chosen from among 25 private-sector employers who were nominated by their Local Workforce Development Boards for their contributions to the community’s workforce through innovation and collaboration with the Texas workforce system. The nominated employers exemplify TWC’s mission of promoting and supporting an effective workforce system that offers employers, individuals and communities the opportunity to achieve and sustain economic prosperity.
“These employers reflect the economic diversity found in Texas,� said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Hope Andrade. “TWC is proud of our Texas employers showing initiative in developing workforce partnerships, responding to unique workforce challenges in their communities, and promoting economic growth and stability.�
To date, Durcon has invested more than $7.5 million in its Taylor facility. With the assistance of the Taylor Economic Development Council and Rural Capital, Durcon has increased its Taylor-based employees from 220 to 430, while still actively recruiting an additional 80 new hires in production, technical, and managerial positions.
The 2013 Employer of the Year will be announced at the 17th Annual Texas Workforce Conference Employer Award Luncheon to be held at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio on Thursday, December 5. The 2012 Employer of the Year was Champion Cooler Corporation of Denison.
About Durcon: Durcon’s manufacturing in Taylor, TX, along with sales and fabrication facilities around the globe, supply the worldwide marketplace with work surfaces for laboratory and research environments requiring the highest degree of heat and chemical resistance and stone-like physical properties. Driven by a commitment to customer service, state-of-the-art chemistry and strict quality control in the manufacturing process keep Durcon at the forefront of the industry.
About the TWC:Â The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers, workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the programs it offers in coordination with its network of local workforce development boards, call 512-463-8942 or visit www.texasworkforce.org.
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