Focusing on the Health and Safety of Our Employees

Durcon is committed to meeting the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the requirements of orders issued by regional, state and local health authorities. Our significant, multifaceted response to COVID-19 places the safety and wellbeing of our employees as the highest priority and includes, but is not limited to:
- Communications campaign directed to employees, providing current information and educating about personal health precautions
- Suspension of international business travel and limited domestic travel
- Work-from-home programs for employees that can do their jobs remotely
- Enhanced cleaning procedures implemented at all facilities
- Strict social-distancing policies [that are regularly monitored]
- Signage and visual cues as constant reminders of safety protocols
- Limited access and entry screenings before allowing access to any of our facilities
For employees who are not able to work-from-home and who must continue working in one of the Durcon facilities, we have taken safety measures in addition to those listed above that include, but is not limited to:
- Temperature screening upon entry to ensure employee does not have fever of 100.4oF or higher
- Procedure to be implemented at all locations as thermometers that have been ordered become available
- Recommendation to voluntarily wear a face covering, such as a bandana, scarf, fishing buff, etc., as an added layer of protection
- Surgical facemasks will be available for employees as supplies that have been ordered become available
Voluntary quarantine programs for employees who they may have been exposed to the virus
We have taken every measure to ensure the health and safety of our workforce and continue to look for additional steps we can take to ensure our employee's safety and the safety of the communities we serve. As governments make additional recommendations or update precautionary measures, Durcon is committed to responding accordingly.
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